9 Technology Trends With Great Career Opportunities


As someone interested in getting into a career in technology, you may be wondering what some of your options are. The good news is that you have a broad array of choices, from robotics to 5G. As tech rapidly advances over time, the possibilities expand even more. Here are just nine of the many career paths available to you.

1. Digital Security

Digital security is number one for a reason. As the private details of people’s lives become indelibly imprinted across hundreds of companies, tracking everything from their favorite shopping habits to their daily transit routines, developing exceptional cyber security is critical. Because technological advancement and increased security go hand in hand, the need for phenomenal cyber security coders won’t slow down any time soon.

2. Quantum Computing

Theories related to quantum mechanics began to form over a hundred years ago thanks to the collective contributions of a variety of brilliant scientists, including Michael Faraday and Albert Einstein. Now it has translated to a vast and quickly evolving field that supports astonishingly fast computing that aids major brands in aggregating and interpreting information, among other things.

3. Blockchain

Blockchain is a type of technology that allows data to be “backed up” to many sources at once, creating a “chain” of information originating from various directions. This reduces or eliminates the chances of losing access to information as a result of actions such as hardware failure or malicious behavior.

4. Wireless Data Transmission

The latest in wireless data transmission is 5G. Its inception offers incredible opportunities for individuals and businesses alike to expand the speed for, and access to, the exchange of information. With a number of major tech companies, including top cellphone carriers, working feverishly to implement 5G over the coming years, this is a hot career field to go into.

5. Edge Computing

Edge computing is on the rise as a replacement for the cloud. While cloud computing is dependent upon internet connectivity, edge computing instead relies on the device being on the “edge” of the company’s network. Furthermore, on-site hardware reduces latency that can be detrimental in time-sensitive circumstances.

6. Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation

When you ask your phone to find you the nearest restaurants or transcribe what you’re saying to text, you’re using artificial intelligence, or AI. Another step in the AI evolution is machine learning (ML), which is capable of learning and adapting. Along a similar line is robotic process automation (RPA). For anyone concerned that AI or robots will take over and put them out of a job, a career in AI, ML or RPA is the perfect counter-response.

7. Autonomous Vehicles

Many vehicle manufacturers have already implemented limited automated features, such as warnings when you drift from your traffic lane or automatic braking when you are coming close to a collision. As tech marches forward, vehicles will roll forward right along with it, becoming fully automated over time.

8. Internet of Things

Along a similar vein to the AI, RPA and autonomous vehicles is the “Internet of Things” (IoT). People are beginning to love that they can, for example, roll out of bed and hit a button on their phones to start the coffee brewing as they head to the bathroom for a shower. IoT connects millions of ordinary objects to each other and to mobile devices to permit easy interaction and usage, even from afar.

9. Unreal Realities

With virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), users can enjoy new experiences right from their couch or bed. VR allows full immersion into unique and often very realistic environments. AR uses elements of the environment you’re in and adds its own twist, such as the funky animal faces some apps offer to add to pictures you’ve taken.

Did any particular career field jump out at you? Now that you have an overview of some trending options, the hard work begins: Time to choose the path best suited to your talents!