10 Smart Diet Tips Supported by Science


When it comes to losing weight, everyone has advice on what is best. What works for some might not work for others, though, so take the guesswork out of it and listen to science for better nutrition and more effective workouts. Check out these ten diet tips supported by the experts to get yourself on the path to better health and wellness today.

1. Start Strong

It’s long been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and while there are those who might disagree, there’s no denying that the right breakfast can have a positive impact on dieting success. Research shows eating a protein-rich breakfast such as whole eggs can reduce the number of calories a person takes in for the rest of the day.

2. Eat Less Sugar

Most people ingest far too much sugar for the body’s needs, and high sugar consumption is associated with not only a higher likelihood of obesity but an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, too. Consider cutting the sugar in your coffee and tea, as the caffeine in these can boost metabolism but the large amounts of sugar that can be found in these work against your weight loss.

3. Add Protein

No single nutrient is more important to losing weight than protein. High protein diets have been shown to increase metabolism while decreasing calories ingested. Studies have also found that eating high amounts of protein help curb the desire for other foods.

4. Up Your Fruit and Veggie Game

Everyone knows it’s important to eat your fruits and vegetables, and science shows it’s one of the most effective ways to help weight loss. Fruits and veggies are full of water and fiber but are low-calorie, meaning you can feel fuller longer with less caloric intake which is key to weight loss.

5. Move More

While regularly scheduled exercise is excellent for health and wellness, many people don’t realize how small movements or brief periods of activity can help with weight loss. Spending an hour in the gym three times a week is great, but daily choices such as taking the steps instead of the elevator or taking a short walk after dinner can go a long way in boosting metabolism and increasing weight loss.

6. Get Fishy

Diets that include fish frequently have been shown to increase life longevity and improve overall health. Fish is a superb source of protein that has fewer negative effects than other meats may have with people who practice diets rich in fish versus red meat having fewer incidents of heart disease, stroke, obesity and other major health issues.

7. Cut Back on Refined Carbs

Refined carbohydrates are an unfortunate staple in the Western diet, with white bread and pasta enormously popular. These carbohydrates have had their fiber and nutrition mostly stripped from them, though, and eating them can result in spikes of blood sugar leading to increased eating. Swap out your refined carbs for whole-grain options.

8. Drink More Water

Water is a not-so-secret weight loss weapon that everyone knows about, but few people appreciate. Drinking the recommended daily amount of water can help boost metabolism and drinking water a half hour before mealtime can help decrease the number of calories.

9. Lift Weights

Sometimes when dieting, muscle loss can occur, as can metabolic slowdown which causes the body to cease losing weight as it is in starvation mode. Lifting weights is a wonderful way to combat this and decrease muscle loss while increasing fat loss.

10. Get Enough Fiber

Fiber, particularly viscous fiber, has been shown to aid in weight loss. Increasing your regular fiber intake can help you feel more satisfied and help you maintain weight loss over time.

Don’t let fad diets rule your life. Instead, rely on science to keep your health and wellness on track for a long and happy life. For more ways to improve your life, check out  our other health related articles.